This is the more pleasant version of my work day, that is, the one when I spend the day at home, working at my own computer. Today, I had a breakfast of pears, chocolate muesli and white yoghurt. Lunch was represented by tasty Provencale tomato soup (thanks, Magda!), and for dinner, I picked up some crisp roasted duck at the Chinese bistro next door, not even bothering to change from my pajamas. I should not stress here that yes, I took the pics at the very spot where I consumed the food. And yes, that thing in the background is my computer, at which I spent the WHOLE day. And no, I did not even bother to transfer that Chinese junk food onto a proper plate. This, however, cannot last for too much longer: I shall finish this one translation and the hectic period of my life will be over. Or, at least I hope so...