August 05, 2008
Následující obrázky mají společného víc, než je jasné na první pohled. Jak višňovo-rybízová bublanina, tak bábovka jsou totiž upečené z univerzálního těsta, které pochází z pokladnice našich rodinných receptů. Tzv. olejová bábovka se dá totiž reprodukovat v mnoha různých podobách. Do nadýchaného sněhového těsta se dá přidat kakao nebo skořice, jde z něj upéct korpus na dort (nejlépe dokončený taktéž rodinným ořechovým krémem a domácí čokoládou), ale stejně se uplatní i v ovocné bublanině, ať už višňové, nebo třešňové, rybízové, zkrátka podle toho, které kyselé ovoce zrovna člověku přijde pod ruku. Příprava je jednoduchá a užití vskutku univerzální.
The following pics have much in common, as both the bábovka [granny's cake] and the bublanina [sponge cake] with morello cherries and red currant are made of the same, universal dough, the recipe for which comes from our family's recipe treasury. The dough may be used for a variety of purposes - light and fluffy thanks to the use of beaten egg whites, it may be finished by adding cocoa or cinnamon, it works excellent as a birthday cake finished with a traditional family walnut cream and home-made chocolate, and in summer, it is transformed into a sponge cake through the addition of pretty much any sour fruit, be it cherries, morello cherries, or all kinds of currants, depending on what you run across. The preparation is as simple as it gets, and the use is truly universal.
The following pics have much in common, as both the bábovka [granny's cake] and the bublanina [sponge cake] with morello cherries and red currant are made of the same, universal dough, the recipe for which comes from our family's recipe treasury. The dough may be used for a variety of purposes - light and fluffy thanks to the use of beaten egg whites, it may be finished by adding cocoa or cinnamon, it works excellent as a birthday cake finished with a traditional family walnut cream and home-made chocolate, and in summer, it is transformed into a sponge cake through the addition of pretty much any sour fruit, be it cherries, morello cherries, or all kinds of currants, depending on what you run across. The preparation is as simple as it gets, and the use is truly universal.