May 10, 2008
Návštěva v noodle baru mě naladila k jedné z osvědčených rychlých variací na příjemnou večeři, která v ledničce v pohodě vydrží i pár dnů a po příchodu z práce potěší víc než chleba s máslem. Červené thajské curry jsem tentokrát neošidila ani v nejmenším. Přišla do něj možná nečekaná, ale dobrá kombinace kousku vepřového se čtverečky sépie. V mrazáku jsem pak našla potřebné čerstvé ingredience, totiž chillies, citrónovou trávu i koriandr, doplnila zázvorem a limetkovou kůrou, a chutnalo mi víc, než to z noodle baru. První, zde vyobrazenou porci jsem zkonzumovala neortodoxně, totiž s indickým naanem, který jsem našla také v mrazáku. K dalším už byla jasmínová rýže.
The visit to Prague noodle bar has inspired me to make one of the quick suppers which last in the fridge for a couple of days and please one's tired soul better than a piece of bread with cheese, when returning from work only means sitting down to more work. This red curry was made as it ought to be: based on an unusual combination of squid and pork, it contained all the fresh ingredients it needed, as these were all found in my freezer. It had it all: lemon grass, chillies, coriander, ginger and grated lime zest. I must say I preferred it to the one served in noodle bar, even though the first serving was accompanied a bit unusually, that is, by Indian naan (also found in the freezer). The following servings went with traditional jasmine-scented rice.
The visit to Prague noodle bar has inspired me to make one of the quick suppers which last in the fridge for a couple of days and please one's tired soul better than a piece of bread with cheese, when returning from work only means sitting down to more work. This red curry was made as it ought to be: based on an unusual combination of squid and pork, it contained all the fresh ingredients it needed, as these were all found in my freezer. It had it all: lemon grass, chillies, coriander, ginger and grated lime zest. I must say I preferred it to the one served in noodle bar, even though the first serving was accompanied a bit unusually, that is, by Indian naan (also found in the freezer). The following servings went with traditional jasmine-scented rice.