August 05, 2007
V sobotu odpoledne jsem měla nečekanou návštěvu. Když jsem šla na dvůr vyhodit odpadky, vyběhla proti mě "sousedka" Alice. Už jsme se párkrát potkaly, ale tentokrát se tvářila úplně ztraceně. Nejdřív jsem jí doprovodila před dveře jejích páníčků, protože nám ale nikdo neotevřel, nakonec jsem jí přesvědčila, že půjde ke mě na návštěvu. Alice už je starší dáma a jak je patrné z obrázků, byla z toho dobrodružství celá nervózní. Piškotky ale nepohrdla a nakonec mi i olízla obličej, jako že děkuje za péči. Páníčkové si pro ní přišli asi za dvě hodiny. Bylo to zvláštní - Alice mi totiž připomínala mého prvního psa, Citu, jako by to byla jedna a tatáž osobnost, i když Alice je stafordka a Cita byla buldoček. Stejná, lehce nervózní povaha důstojné dámy, kterou leccos lehce vyvede z konceptu... A nejsou si aspoň maličko podobné?
On Saturday afternoon I had an unexpected guest. When I was about to throw our rubbish into the bins in our courtyard, our "neighbour" Alice slipped away through the door. We've seen each other a few times before, but this time, she seemed lost. First, I accompanied her to the door of her owners' flat, but since no one seemed to be home, I persuaded her to pay me a visit. Alice is a decent old lady and it is apparent from the pictures that this adventure made her rather nervous. Nevertheless, she did not say no to a few treats, and in the end, she even gave me a lick on the cheek, as if saying "thanks for the care". Her owners came to pick her up in about two hours, saying they just lived through a heart attack of losing a dog. It was funny - Alice reminded me much of my first dog, Cita, even though Cita was a Frenchie and Alice is a little staffordshire bullterrier. They both have the character of an aging, a little nervous, yet dignified lady, easy to disturb from their vigorously observed everyday routine. And don't they even look a bit alike?
On Saturday afternoon I had an unexpected guest. When I was about to throw our rubbish into the bins in our courtyard, our "neighbour" Alice slipped away through the door. We've seen each other a few times before, but this time, she seemed lost. First, I accompanied her to the door of her owners' flat, but since no one seemed to be home, I persuaded her to pay me a visit. Alice is a decent old lady and it is apparent from the pictures that this adventure made her rather nervous. Nevertheless, she did not say no to a few treats, and in the end, she even gave me a lick on the cheek, as if saying "thanks for the care". Her owners came to pick her up in about two hours, saying they just lived through a heart attack of losing a dog. It was funny - Alice reminded me much of my first dog, Cita, even though Cita was a Frenchie and Alice is a little staffordshire bullterrier. They both have the character of an aging, a little nervous, yet dignified lady, easy to disturb from their vigorously observed everyday routine. And don't they even look a bit alike?