October 12, 2007
A ještě pár obrázků kulinářských. Z nejrůznějších důvodů v posledních týdnech vaření zanedbávám, přesto se ale tu a tam něco urodí. S podzimem dorazila i sezóna jablek a hrušek, které se hodí do ledasčeho. Já mám ráda jejich kombinaci se sýrem, která se dá snídat i večeřet, odtud tousty s nivou, hruškami a rukolou, nebo ranní bageta s cheddarem a plátky jablíček lehce poprášená kmínem. Užívám si ale i jablka úplně samotná, například jako snídani doplněnou hruškovým džusem se skořicí. Z cizích krajů do mojí kuchyně na dámskou jízdu opět zavítalo sushi, a zase mělo úspěch, a před pár týdny pak severoafrická variace na lilek s medem, citrónem a chilli (všechna fota rozmazaná, tudíž nepublikovatelná), doprovázená ciabatou opečenou se zbytkem dresinku (viz níže).
Here are a few food photos as well. For a variety of reasons, I haven't been cooking much over the past few weeks, but even then, every once in a while something worth noting comes up. As the autumn arrived, so did pears and apples, some of the most useful fruits I know. I like to combine both with cheese, either for breakfast or dinner. Here is where the combination of blue cheese, pears and rocket comes from, as well as the morning baguette with cheddar and slivers of apple lightly dusted with caraway. From foreign foods, my kitchen hosted some much-welcomed sushi to greet the London revival party guests, and several weeks ago, I made some north-African-like aubergines, grilled in a marinade of honey, lemon and chilli (not pictured, since none of the pics were sharp) and accompanied with fresh ciabatta grilled with the same marinade (seen bellow).
Here are a few food photos as well. For a variety of reasons, I haven't been cooking much over the past few weeks, but even then, every once in a while something worth noting comes up. As the autumn arrived, so did pears and apples, some of the most useful fruits I know. I like to combine both with cheese, either for breakfast or dinner. Here is where the combination of blue cheese, pears and rocket comes from, as well as the morning baguette with cheddar and slivers of apple lightly dusted with caraway. From foreign foods, my kitchen hosted some much-welcomed sushi to greet the London revival party guests, and several weeks ago, I made some north-African-like aubergines, grilled in a marinade of honey, lemon and chilli (not pictured, since none of the pics were sharp) and accompanied with fresh ciabatta grilled with the same marinade (seen bellow).
do Stromovky dorazil podzim, a Růženka se v něm moc krásně vyjímá. Už může zase ven a jak je vidět z fotek, užívá si to, a já také. / The autumn has arrived, and Růženka is a true dog of this season. Since she has been allowed to go out again, she is enjoying herself very much, and I like it, too.
podzim ve Stromovce |
Už je to pár týdnů, kdy jsme se vrátily z v pořadí již druhé dámské jízdy v Londýně. Osvědčené složení tří krav, dokonalý hostitel Štěpán a živá britská metropole se zasložily o naprosto vyčerpávající několikadenní koktejl večírků, textovek, ranních kocovin, protančených nocí, nakupování, bloumání, ochutnávání místních dobrot, jednoduše užívání si života plnými doušky. V lednu jedeme na týden!
It's been a few weeks since we returned from the second girl's stag party in London. The well-tried combination of three ladies, our perfect hosts, and the lively British capital, all these elements combined resulted in an utterly exhausting cocktail of parties, text messages, morning hangovers, club nights, shopping, wandering, tasting of local delicacies, to put it short - we surely did enjoy our lives throughout these five days. In January, we are going again, for a whole week!
here are a few tastings of the trip: perfect lamb curry from Camden, some Chinese near Leicester sq., and breakfast at Nero's (hello, globalisation, I love you!)
and here are all the remaining pics:
It's been a few weeks since we returned from the second girl's stag party in London. The well-tried combination of three ladies, our perfect hosts, and the lively British capital, all these elements combined resulted in an utterly exhausting cocktail of parties, text messages, morning hangovers, club nights, shopping, wandering, tasting of local delicacies, to put it short - we surely did enjoy our lives throughout these five days. In January, we are going again, for a whole week!
here are a few tastings of the trip: perfect lamb curry from Camden, some Chinese near Leicester sq., and breakfast at Nero's (hello, globalisation, I love you!)
and here are all the remaining pics:
Londýn podruhé |