Další dvě fotky vzdávají hold tomuto ročnímu období trochu patřičněji pro téma tohoto blogu. Magda je manželka ze všech nejlepší: opatřila nám totiž úplně čerstvý, křupavý a prostě dokonalý chřest, který zapekla v medovo-limetkové marinádě s parmazánem. Byla to dobrota k neuvěření, a mě se na ní líbilo i to, že jsem přišla k hotovému, včetně nalité sklenice vynikajícího Tramínu.
Today's post will celebrate the spring in a variety of its shapes. First two pics were taken in Stromovka (where else could that be, right?). The morning walk with Růženka is the favourite part of my day, and lately it tends to be the only bearable one. The park is still half asleep, day at its freshest, not a living soul in sight. One has plenty of space to sober up and shake off the inevitable hangover, get a breath of fresh air, stretch one's legs a litlle bit, and sort thoughts out into a working order. Much more pleasant than starting the day by arriving at work, spilling coffee into one's keyboard and shutting the window shutters so that the sun doesn't prevent one to get any work done whatsoever.
Second two pics are a tribute to spring much more appropriate to the main theme of tis blog. Magda is the best wife of all: she provided us with some totally fresh, crisp, and simply perfect asparagus, which she marinated in lime juice, herbs and honey and baked it in the oven. It was unbelievably tasty and the reason I liked so much was also that I didn't have to move a finger to get this fabulous dinner. When I arrived to the scene, even my glass was already filled with excellent white Tramín wine.