Two nights ago I discovered that my fridge is empty, with the exception of a few leftover bits of veg. All the same, I did feel like having some simple, warming meal to cheer me up, and I remembered my recent encounter with couscous. Thus, I decided this was the day to try an entirely new way of its preparation. I took the few carrots, potatoes, some savoy cabbage and onion, chopped it, and adding red lentils to thicken the casserole, I spiced it with a rather random selection of spices: namely paprika, cinnamon, garam masala, a bit of ginger, garlic, and probably something else, too. Cooking the veg in a large casserole, I placed a sieve over the top and filled it with dry couscous, just rubbed with a little butter. I sealed the whole thing with foil and steamed it for about an hour, and the result was a genuine surprise to me: not only was the veg mixture quite lovely, the couscous came out excellent - fluff, delicately scented and flavoured with the spiced steam. Sometimes one needs to rely on the know-how of true masters, and transfer it into one's own kitchen.