March 31, 2008
Umřela mi babička. Dnes byl pohřeb. Vybrala jsem hudbu na rozloučenou, držela krátkou řeč, pak absolvovala smuteční oběd s příbuzenstvem. Připadá mi, že k celé téhle události a hlavně k babičce Helence samotné se tak nějak hodí to, že jsem cestou ze svátečního setkání konečně po třičtvrtě roce koupila dvě sady klik ke dveřím, namontovala je, a nakonec u sklenky vína s Magdou vymyslela novou značku plyšových zvířátek a jiných drobností, na kterých hodláme dále postavit naší kreativní tvorbu. Tady je...
My granny had passed away. Today was the funeral. I chose the music for the ceremony, held a short speech, and then seen the relatives as we all went for a meal together. To me, it seems somehow appropriate to the whole event and especially to my grandma Helenka herself that after the lunch, I went and bought two sets of door handles which I've been planning for the past nine months, installed them myself, and then, with a glass of wine and Magda as a companion and copywriter, I came up with a new brand for all the little stuffed animals which are to become the basis of our further creative career. Here it is...
My granny had passed away. Today was the funeral. I chose the music for the ceremony, held a short speech, and then seen the relatives as we all went for a meal together. To me, it seems somehow appropriate to the whole event and especially to my grandma Helenka herself that after the lunch, I went and bought two sets of door handles which I've been planning for the past nine months, installed them myself, and then, with a glass of wine and Magda as a companion and copywriter, I came up with a new brand for all the little stuffed animals which are to become the basis of our further creative career. Here it is...
Nádherná jarní neděle zastihla mě i Magdu ve smutném rozpoložení. I když venku bylo teplo a sluníčko, přesto nám oběma bylo jaksi bídně. Protože ale angína zdá se ustupuje, pokusila jsem se s tím alespoň něco udělat skrze poctivý pozdní oběd, respektive časnou večeři. V naší vietnamské zelenině jsem pořídila krásný kousek zářivě oranžové dýně na polévku, v Albertu jsem pak koupila ještě celé kuřátko a nové brambory. Výsledkem byla lahůdková, jemně krémová dýňová polévka s mrkví a smetanou, která se jen jen rozplývá na jazyku, a jako další chod celé kuře pečené na česneku, cibuli, směsi citrónu, medu a tymiánu, doprovázené pečenými bramborami. Náladu nám to sice moc nespravilo, ale aspoň jsme se dobře najedly.
This lovely spring Sunday has caught both me and Magda feeling a bit down. Although outside, it was warm and sunny, we were both sad from the very morning. Because my sore throat seems to be getting better, I decided to try to sort it out with a proper meal. In our Vietnamese corner shop, I found a piece of beautiful, shiny orange pumpkin for soup, to which I added whole chicken and some new potatoes. The result is seen bellow: smooth, creamy, delicate pumpkin soup with carrot and cream which literally melts in your mouth, and, as a second course, whole chicken baked with garlic, onion, lemon, honey and thyme, accompanied with baked new potatoes. Sadly, the meal did not succeed in cheering us up, but at least we had a decent dinner.
This lovely spring Sunday has caught both me and Magda feeling a bit down. Although outside, it was warm and sunny, we were both sad from the very morning. Because my sore throat seems to be getting better, I decided to try to sort it out with a proper meal. In our Vietnamese corner shop, I found a piece of beautiful, shiny orange pumpkin for soup, to which I added whole chicken and some new potatoes. The result is seen bellow: smooth, creamy, delicate pumpkin soup with carrot and cream which literally melts in your mouth, and, as a second course, whole chicken baked with garlic, onion, lemon, honey and thyme, accompanied with baked new potatoes. Sadly, the meal did not succeed in cheering us up, but at least we had a decent dinner.