August 27, 2007
A ještě přidám první pokus o černobílou jídelní fotografii. Krom hrušek nám Pavlova maminka poslala i domácí nakládané křemenáče a maličké kyselé okurky. Obojí padlo při včerejší večerní bondovce. Tomorrow never dies. / And here is the first attempt of BW food picture. Apart from pears, we also got some home pickled wild mushrooms and baby gherkins from Pavel's mom. Both condiments were delicious, and we ate it all during last evening's James Bond film. Tomorrow never dies.
Jsem zase nemocná. Už od minulého týdne mám teploty a připadám si, jako bych spolkla struhadlo. Léčím se opět hovězí polévkou, tentokrát jsem k ní přidala i silný zázvorový čaj. Krom spousty čerstvého zázvoru do něj dávám i celé kousky citrónu, domácí med a mátu. Tak doufám, že mi brzy bude líp... Přestože jsem nemocná, neodolala jsem výzvě v podobě tašky čerstvých hrušek, které nám poslala Pavlova maminka, a dva výsledky vidíte dole. První na sladko a jmenuje se to křupavé hruškové clafoutis (bůhví, co to znamená), druhý je již ozkoušená kombinace hrušek, špenátu a modrého sýra a rozpečené bagetě.
I am feeling ill again. Since last week, I'm running a fever and I feel as if I have swallowed a grater. Once again, I'm trying to get better by eating very strong beef chowder and drinking fresh ginger infusion. Apart from pieces of fresh ginger, I also put in pieces of whole lemon, lots of honey and some mint. I hope to get better soon... Despite of being sick, I could not resist the challenge which arrived in the shape of a bag full of fresh pears sent to us by Pavel's mom. The results are seen below. The first is sweet and it is called The Crispy Pear Clafoutis, the second is a well-tried combination of pears, spinach and blue cheese on a bit of roasted baguette.
I am feeling ill again. Since last week, I'm running a fever and I feel as if I have swallowed a grater. Once again, I'm trying to get better by eating very strong beef chowder and drinking fresh ginger infusion. Apart from pieces of fresh ginger, I also put in pieces of whole lemon, lots of honey and some mint. I hope to get better soon... Despite of being sick, I could not resist the challenge which arrived in the shape of a bag full of fresh pears sent to us by Pavel's mom. The results are seen below. The first is sweet and it is called The Crispy Pear Clafoutis, the second is a well-tried combination of pears, spinach and blue cheese on a bit of roasted baguette.
Další indická specialitka, kuře v jogurtovo-paprikové marinádě se spoustou čerstvých bylinek. Nasekaná máta, koriandr a čerstvý špenát přišly i do rýže, a celkem jsme si pochutnali. Na večeři nás návštěvou poctil tatínek a tak nás čekal i moc příjemný večer, zpestřený ještě karamelovou zmrzlinou s mátovými lístečky a lískovými ořechy. Co dodat? I Růženka byla spokojená, zvládla totiž za večer překonat světový rekord v požírání kosti z bůvolí kůže.
Another Indian chicken, this one in marinade of fresh herbs, paprika and yoghurt. Also the accompanying rice was fried with chopped fresh coriander, mint and spinach, and on the whole, we had a satisfying dinner. My dad joined us for the evening, so it turned out rather pleasant, including the nice caramel ice cream with mint and hazelnuts. What else shall I say? Even our dog seemed pretty content, since she succeeded in her attempt to break the world record in devouring a rawhide bone.
Another Indian chicken, this one in marinade of fresh herbs, paprika and yoghurt. Also the accompanying rice was fried with chopped fresh coriander, mint and spinach, and on the whole, we had a satisfying dinner. My dad joined us for the evening, so it turned out rather pleasant, including the nice caramel ice cream with mint and hazelnuts. What else shall I say? Even our dog seemed pretty content, since she succeeded in her attempt to break the world record in devouring a rawhide bone.
Tak. Pár dnů po žlutém kuřeti žlutá polévka. Základem barvy byla tentokrát nejen kurkuma, ale hlavně červená čočka. Do téhle vynikající polévky se dá přidat ledasco, co máte zrovna z asijských ingrediencí po ruce. Já jí dělala na základě z cibulky, česneku, zázvoru, koriandru, římského kmínu a chillies. Pak do ní přišla červená čočka a něco mungo fazolí, zbytek loupaných rajčat, a nakonec plechovka kokosového mléka. Jediné, na co nesmíte zapomenout, je dochucení citrónem, a když vám připadá příliš ostrá, můžete ji zjemnit lžící bílého jogurtu nebo zakysané smetany. Podáváme rozmixovanou nebo v původní podobě, jak je ctěná libost.
So, a few days after the yellow chicken comes the yellow indian soup. This time, the yellow colour is to be attributed not only to the turmeric, but also to the red lentils which are the basis of this soup. Other than that, you may pretty much choose whatever you feel like to put in there. I've made it on a basis of onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, cumin and chillies, then I added the lentils with a handful of mung beans and some leftover peeled tomatoes, and in the end, a can of coconut milk went in. The only thing you must not forget is to add lemon to taste, and if the soup feels too spicy to your liking, you may smooth it down a bit by adding a spoonful of yoghurt or créme fraiche. Serve it processed or as it is, whichever way you prefer.
So, a few days after the yellow chicken comes the yellow indian soup. This time, the yellow colour is to be attributed not only to the turmeric, but also to the red lentils which are the basis of this soup. Other than that, you may pretty much choose whatever you feel like to put in there. I've made it on a basis of onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, cumin and chillies, then I added the lentils with a handful of mung beans and some leftover peeled tomatoes, and in the end, a can of coconut milk went in. The only thing you must not forget is to add lemon to taste, and if the soup feels too spicy to your liking, you may smooth it down a bit by adding a spoonful of yoghurt or créme fraiche. Serve it processed or as it is, whichever way you prefer.