Mag: prasátko je trochu ňam a trochu ťutu.
Já: Magdi, třeba dneska ráno umíš vypadat úplně skvěle.
O ňadrech č. 6: Mag: to je peklo, to je prokletí!
Já (o 3 minuty později): to je strašlivý prokletí!
Po full english breakfast a dvou obrovských pancakes vydržela Magda celou hodinu a padesát šest minut neříct, že má strašnej hlad.
A nakonec Magda všem popřála veselé Veselé.
Potom jsme si dopřály úžasný tvaroh mixovaný s jogurtem, tunou kakaa a třtinovým cukrem. Dělala ho Magda a z fotky jasně vyplývá, kde jsme ho konzumovaly.
Yesterday, our usual girls' night was enhanced with one Dobroň. It resulted in a drinking show as it ought to be, albeit masked with a civilised excuse of decent dinner consisting of sushi and gallons of premiere wine (thanks, Márinko), and also a few special effects. Without words, the photos in the gallery speak volumes about the evening. On the other hand, the morning is well depicted by the following statements I jotted down from our chaotic converstations:
Mag: the piggy is a little yummy and a little "come here to cuddle".
Me: Magdi, this morning for example, you are really good at looking great.
About size F boobs: Mag: That's hell, that's a curse!
Me (three minutes later): It's such a terrible curse!
One full hour and fifty six minutes after a full English breakfast finished with two jumbo sized pancakes topped with maple syrup, Magda managed not to say that she is totally hungry.
In the end, she wished everyone a happy Happy.
After that, Magda treated us both to delicious mixed organic cottage with organic yoghurt, a ton of cocoa, and demerara sugar. The picture clearly shows where this dessert was consumed.
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