March 27, 2008
Takhle to vypadá, když mě skolí angína. Poslední tři dny jsem naprosto nepoužitelná, mám horečky, a jsem schopná konzumovat jenom tekutou stravu. Možná i díky tomu nás ráno opustil mixér, snad nejpoužívanější přístroj téhle domácnosti, takže jsme okamžitě musely opatřit nový. Při prvním použití byl podezřele cítit spáleninou, nakonec ale jablečně-mrkvovo-banánové pyré zvládl. Tak uvidíme, jestli vydrží... A jestli vydržím já.
For the past three days, I've been down with a sore throat. Running a fever, snacking antibiotics, and consuming no solid food. This may have something to do with the fact that our trusty hand blender has left us this morning. Since it holds the honour of being the most commonly used electricity-powered item in this household, it was clear that we had to get a new one without delay. During the first, trial use, it smelt oddly as if something was burning inside, however, it did manage to process the apple-carrot-banana puree in the end. I wonder how long will it last... And how long will I, too.
For the past three days, I've been down with a sore throat. Running a fever, snacking antibiotics, and consuming no solid food. This may have something to do with the fact that our trusty hand blender has left us this morning. Since it holds the honour of being the most commonly used electricity-powered item in this household, it was clear that we had to get a new one without delay. During the first, trial use, it smelt oddly as if something was burning inside, however, it did manage to process the apple-carrot-banana puree in the end. I wonder how long will it last... And how long will I, too.