August 08, 2007
V pondělí Růža spolehlivě přesvědčila pana veterináře o tom, že je zpovykaná rozmazlená potvora, když Pavlovi přímo v ordinaci prokousla při vyndavání stehů horní ret. Na šití to ale nebylo a nakonec jsme jí i odpustili. Rovnou od veterináře jsme se rozjeli zpátky do Jiřic, kde nás čekal moc príma večírek s Evičkou, Jiřím, Joskou a Vítkem. Protože tam byl i Hugo, Růženu jsme zavřeli do obýváku. Poměrně mě překvapila, když jsem jí tam asi po hodině našla s ovladačem v pelíšku a zapnutou televizí. Je prostě šikovná, i když mrcha. Josefínka nám vyrobila luxusní čerstvý salátek, který je vidět na obrázku s pozadím Hugových tlapek v zapadajícím slunci. Bylo to krásné, ovšem krom ranní cesty do Prahy a do práce. Ach jo!
On Monday, Růženka managed to persuade her vet (yes, the very one who kept praising her how good and well behaved she was, up until that day), that she is a spoiled, ungrateful little brat. She proved it by biting through Pavel's upper lip while the doctor was removing her stitches. Thankfully, Pavel did not need any stitches himself, and in the end, we forgave her this error. Directly from there we went back to Jiřice, where we had a nice little party with Evička, Jiří, Joska and Vítek. Since Evička's dog Hugo was there as well, Růža was confined to the living room. I must say I was well surprised when I came to check on her an hour later and found the telly on and Růža in her bed with the remote next to her. Despite my disappointment in her from earlier that day, I had to admit that she is a cunning girl. Josefínka fixed us some wonderful fresh salad, seen pictured with Hugo's feet in the background against the setting sun. What a lovely time we had... Of course, one must forget the rather terrible trip back to Prague in the morning to attend our respective jobs. Oh well.
what a little bitch she is.
On Monday, Růženka managed to persuade her vet (yes, the very one who kept praising her how good and well behaved she was, up until that day), that she is a spoiled, ungrateful little brat. She proved it by biting through Pavel's upper lip while the doctor was removing her stitches. Thankfully, Pavel did not need any stitches himself, and in the end, we forgave her this error. Directly from there we went back to Jiřice, where we had a nice little party with Evička, Jiří, Joska and Vítek. Since Evička's dog Hugo was there as well, Růža was confined to the living room. I must say I was well surprised when I came to check on her an hour later and found the telly on and Růža in her bed with the remote next to her. Despite my disappointment in her from earlier that day, I had to admit that she is a cunning girl. Josefínka fixed us some wonderful fresh salad, seen pictured with Hugo's feet in the background against the setting sun. What a lovely time we had... Of course, one must forget the rather terrible trip back to Prague in the morning to attend our respective jobs. Oh well.
what a little bitch she is.