August 08, 2007
V neděli jsem se vydala do Jiřic, kde si Růža s Pavlem užívají na letním bytě. Pavel píše dizertaci a prořezává ovocný sad, Růžena mu v tom pomáhá a léčí se po operaci. Přiznávám, že jsem jim ten klid a zeleň záviděla. V podstatě celé odpoledne jsem s nimi strávila snahou načerpat nové síly, konkrétně jsme se váleli na dece, pospávali, a večer se přesunuli k televizi. Protože tuhle civilizační vymoženost doma nemáme, koukala jsem jako žasnoucí děcko i na všechny reklamy, a v pondělí se mi do práce ani trochu nechtělo.
On Sunday, I headed to Jiřice, where Pavel and Růženka are spending a few summer days. Pavel is writing his dissertation and dressing the orchard, Růža helps him while recovering from her surgery. I must admit that I was jealous at their calm coexistence in the green garden. Pretty much the whole afternoon I spent by recharging, read: by lying around, sleeping, and continuing in the same activity in front of the telly for the rest of the evening. Because we do not own the box, I watched it with awe, including all the commercials. On Monday, I did not feel the least bit of urge to go back to work.
hrnky od kafe, slunce, rozkvetlá zahrada...
On Sunday, I headed to Jiřice, where Pavel and Růženka are spending a few summer days. Pavel is writing his dissertation and dressing the orchard, Růža helps him while recovering from her surgery. I must admit that I was jealous at their calm coexistence in the green garden. Pretty much the whole afternoon I spent by recharging, read: by lying around, sleeping, and continuing in the same activity in front of the telly for the rest of the evening. Because we do not own the box, I watched it with awe, including all the commercials. On Monday, I did not feel the least bit of urge to go back to work.
hrnky od kafe, slunce, rozkvetlá zahrada...