I haven't posted anything in a while. My culinary adventures will thus be covered in a single post. After returning from Jiřice, I was still alone at home, yet this did not prevent me from fixing myself two gastronomic pearls. The first has a simple name: a yellow roasted chicken. The whole chicken is marinated in a mixture of yoghurt and spices, most prominently turmeric (whence the yellow chicken). In the course of baking the chicken on a cinnamon-scented onion, one adds strips of yellow pepper. Quick, easy, yet delicious.

Následující víkend mi bylo zle, trpěla jsem spavou nemocí a nebyla jsem schopná provozu. Proto jsem si vyrobila pravý hovězí vývar, který by na nohy postavil i mrtvolu. Naházela jsem do něj všechno možné, zeleninu i houby, a nakonec typografický detail, totiž těstovinová písmenka neboli vzpomínku na dětství. Musím říct, že tahle polévka mě udržela na nohou vlastně po celý následující týden, a málokdy se mi stalo, že bych byla schopna jediné jídlo snídat, obědvat i večeřet. Sláva našim babičkám!
The following weekend I felt ill, sleeping all the time and unable to function. This is why I decided to make a proper beef chowder, which, I am certain, would raise the dead from their graves. I added handfuls of whatever I found, mostly veg and mushrooms. In the end, I threw in a litte typographic detail, the pasta letters of our youth. I must say that the soup kept me going for the following week, and it has been a long time since I've been content to eat the same meal for breakfast, lunch and supper. A true tribute to our grandmothers it was.