August 19, 2007
Potom, co se vrátil Pavel s Růžou, jsme měli z kulinářského hlediska italský týden. Nejprve těstoviny aglia olio, v mojí verzi na česneku, chilli papričkách a slunečnicových semínkách promíchaných nakonec s polníčkem a bazalkou. Koncem týdne jsem se pak rozhodla upéct pizzu a jako ingredience jsem si vybrala sušená rajčata, rukolu, stilton a navrch italský špek. Musím říci, že těstoviny pizzu překonaly mílovými kroky.
When Pavel and Růža have returned, we had an Italian week, food-wise of course. First, I made some spaghetti aglia olio, in my version lots of garlic, chillies, sunflower seeds and in the end watercress and basil. Then, towards the end of the week, I made pizza with sundried tomatoes, rocket, stilton and speck on top. I must confess that the pasta was far superior to the pizza in all respects...
When Pavel and Růža have returned, we had an Italian week, food-wise of course. First, I made some spaghetti aglia olio, in my version lots of garlic, chillies, sunflower seeds and in the end watercress and basil. Then, towards the end of the week, I made pizza with sundried tomatoes, rocket, stilton and speck on top. I must confess that the pasta was far superior to the pizza in all respects...