October 14, 2009
Další událostí minulého víkendu byl sushi večírek. Klasický průběh, jen tentokrát v širším obsazení, a rozhodně zajímavá společenská událost. Místo slov stačí fotky.
Another culinary event of last weekend was the sushi party on Sunday. Classic sushi, just this time, more people. Deffinitely an interesting social event! Pictures suffice...
Another culinary event of last weekend was the sushi party on Sunday. Classic sushi, just this time, more people. Deffinitely an interesting social event! Pictures suffice...
Minulou sobotu mě potkala nečekaná kulinářská událost, totiž návštěva v degustační restauraci Chez Miro v Pardubicích. Luxusní výlet, mí nejmilejší 2 (3-1), dobrá káva a geniální čokoláda, ale nakonec hlavní, naprosto neuvěřitelný gurmánský zážitek. Chez Miro zaslouží spoustu bodů nejen za perfektní dobroty, tedy pětichodovou extázi doladěnou do posledních detailů (co třeba ručně stloukané máslo a chléb dovezený až z Francie?), ale hlavně za osobní, přívětivý a neformální přístup dvojice statečných, kteří tohle adrenalinové dobrodružství vedou. Co dodat? V divoké kačeně jsem našla šťastný brok a domů se vrátila o jeden silný zážitek bohatší. Díky!
Last Saturday had an unexpected culinary surprise in store for me - with my my beloved duo (minus one Bert), we set out to visit a great restaurant Chez Miro in Pardubice. The trip itself was much fun, train journey, great hot chocolate, walk through town and all, but the visit to the restaurant itself was heaven. Not only the place deserves hundred points for the perfect delicacies in five courses, fine-tuned to the last detail, but, most of all, it was exceptional thanks to the friendly, dedicated duo who run it and who are passionate about what they do. What else is there to say? I found a lucky grain of shot in my wild duck and returned home richer by one exceptional experience. Thank you!
Last Saturday had an unexpected culinary surprise in store for me - with my my beloved duo (minus one Bert), we set out to visit a great restaurant Chez Miro in Pardubice. The trip itself was much fun, train journey, great hot chocolate, walk through town and all, but the visit to the restaurant itself was heaven. Not only the place deserves hundred points for the perfect delicacies in five courses, fine-tuned to the last detail, but, most of all, it was exceptional thanks to the friendly, dedicated duo who run it and who are passionate about what they do. What else is there to say? I found a lucky grain of shot in my wild duck and returned home richer by one exceptional experience. Thank you!
July 10, 2009
Celou poslední neděli jsem se částečně terapeuticky a částečně z praktických důvodů rozhodla strávit u plotny. Jednak jsem potřebovala zpracovat tunu dobrot nakoupených v sobotu na zeleninovém tržišti v holešovické tržnici, jednak jsem měla chuť relaxovat nějakou uklidňující činností. Válení nudlí mi k tomu tudíž připadalo jako ideální volba. Celý den se nesl ve znamení těstovin a pochutin s nimi spojených. S Terezou jsme vyrobily jednak pečená rajčata, která skvěle poslouží jako omáčka na těstoviny, kterou už není potřeba ničím dalším vylepšovat, a navíc dva druhy pesta ke stejnému účelu. Jedno rukolové, druhé z kombinace citrónové a pikantní bazalky. K tomu jsme ručně vyválely hromadu nudlí ze špaldové krupice, s přídavkem černých oliv a citronové kůry. Ty jsme snědly jen se šalvějí orestovanou na másle a trochou parmazánu - zážitek to byl skutečně božský.
Last Sunday, I deliberately decided to do nothing but cook. The reasons were both practical and therapeutical - I needed to process the loads of lovely veg purchased the day before in the market, and I also felt I deserved an afternoon spent with something relaxing, a little tiring, and really nice smelling. The theme of the day was pasta and related sports. Together with Tereza, we made two types of pesto, one with lemon and thai basil and the other with rocket, and also a baked tomato pasta sauce. As a final quest, we set off to hand-roll a pile of fettuccine made with black olives and lemon zest, which we ate with butter-fried sage and a bit of grated parmasan. I must say that this was one of the best pasta experiences I've ever had.
Last Sunday, I deliberately decided to do nothing but cook. The reasons were both practical and therapeutical - I needed to process the loads of lovely veg purchased the day before in the market, and I also felt I deserved an afternoon spent with something relaxing, a little tiring, and really nice smelling. The theme of the day was pasta and related sports. Together with Tereza, we made two types of pesto, one with lemon and thai basil and the other with rocket, and also a baked tomato pasta sauce. As a final quest, we set off to hand-roll a pile of fettuccine made with black olives and lemon zest, which we ate with butter-fried sage and a bit of grated parmasan. I must say that this was one of the best pasta experiences I've ever had.
Dále následují tři náhodně úžasné kulinářské události. První je koláč z listového těsta s chřestem a vynikající kombinací kozích sýrů (podle Hany Michopulu). Naprosto čerstvě utržený chřest mi přivezla Magda s Jardou přímo z chřestové farmy; já jej přetvořila v hustý krém a zmíněný koláč, který ten vynikl hlavně díky výrazným sýrům z letenské pobočky Cheesy.
Druhý zážitek není sezónní ani trochu, ale nějak mě prostě nedávno na tuto osvědčenou zimní klasiku popadla chuť, když jsem u řezníka narazila na králičí čtvrtky. Sytá, výrazná chuť švestek, kaparů, česneku a vína se k nezaměnitelnému králičímu masu výborně hodí a proto už tenhle recept prakticky nevařím v původní podobě, totiž s kuřetem. Tentokrát jsem jej podávala s bramborovo-lilkovo-mrkvovou kaší, která sice nezní lákavě, ale na jazyku se přímo rozplývá.
Do třetice šlo o ochutnávku dobrot z nového obchůdku s řeckými specialitami, který nedávno otevřeli za rohem. Já zkoušela papriky plněné fetou, nakládanou chobotnici a černé olivy. Jako podklad posloužily bagely, které mám naštěstí k dostání doslova přes ulici, a jako doprovod improvizovaný salát. Geniální zážitek...
Next are three random culinary feasts. First is an asparagus pie with a combination of great goat cheeses. The asparagus was as fresh as it could be, brought to me by Mag and Jarda directly from the farmer. Combined with the excellent, strong cheese from nearby cheese shop, it was a heavenly treat.
Second pic is not seasonal in one bit, but what the hell. I immediately craved this winter classics as soon as I saw rabbit quarters at my butchers; strong, sweet-sour taste of dried plums, capers, garlic and wine goes really well with the equally strong taste of rabbit meat. May not be everyone's cup of tea, but I definitely prefer this twist to the original recipe which uses chicken meat. This time, I served it with mashed potatoes, carrots and aubergines, and as unappetizing as it sounds, it literally melted in the mouth.
The third pic shows a tasting sample from a nearby Greek delicatessen, recently opened. They were very friendly, liked my dog, and sold me some really nice feta-stuffed peppers, squid marinated in oil, and really tasty black olives. As a base, I used the bagels sold literally across the street, and as an accompaniment I put together a little salad. Sweet, I tell you.
Druhý zážitek není sezónní ani trochu, ale nějak mě prostě nedávno na tuto osvědčenou zimní klasiku popadla chuť, když jsem u řezníka narazila na králičí čtvrtky. Sytá, výrazná chuť švestek, kaparů, česneku a vína se k nezaměnitelnému králičímu masu výborně hodí a proto už tenhle recept prakticky nevařím v původní podobě, totiž s kuřetem. Tentokrát jsem jej podávala s bramborovo-lilkovo-mrkvovou kaší, která sice nezní lákavě, ale na jazyku se přímo rozplývá.
Do třetice šlo o ochutnávku dobrot z nového obchůdku s řeckými specialitami, který nedávno otevřeli za rohem. Já zkoušela papriky plněné fetou, nakládanou chobotnici a černé olivy. Jako podklad posloužily bagely, které mám naštěstí k dostání doslova přes ulici, a jako doprovod improvizovaný salát. Geniální zážitek...
Next are three random culinary feasts. First is an asparagus pie with a combination of great goat cheeses. The asparagus was as fresh as it could be, brought to me by Mag and Jarda directly from the farmer. Combined with the excellent, strong cheese from nearby cheese shop, it was a heavenly treat.
Second pic is not seasonal in one bit, but what the hell. I immediately craved this winter classics as soon as I saw rabbit quarters at my butchers; strong, sweet-sour taste of dried plums, capers, garlic and wine goes really well with the equally strong taste of rabbit meat. May not be everyone's cup of tea, but I definitely prefer this twist to the original recipe which uses chicken meat. This time, I served it with mashed potatoes, carrots and aubergines, and as unappetizing as it sounds, it literally melted in the mouth.
The third pic shows a tasting sample from a nearby Greek delicatessen, recently opened. They were very friendly, liked my dog, and sold me some really nice feta-stuffed peppers, squid marinated in oil, and really tasty black olives. As a base, I used the bagels sold literally across the street, and as an accompaniment I put together a little salad. Sweet, I tell you.
Po snad dosud nejdelší pauze jsem konečně zas tu. Dnešní obrázky se dají rozdělit do tří kategorií. Jedna je pro mě typicky letní, totiž jahodová. V období jahod je konzumuji v jakékoli podobě, ať tekuté, či pevné. Zde v tekuté podobě jahodové daiquirí co dům dal (je v něm tonik, domácí jablkovice, ledová tříšť, máta a hromada čerstvých jahod) a domácí muesli z hromady dobrot zalité jahodovým tvarohem - vznikne tak, že do mixéru hodíte balíček tvarohu, hrst čerstvých jahod, jeden banán a trošku skořice. Podle chuti lze maličko zředit mlékem nebo obyčejnou vodou.
Okay, this seems to be the longest break in posting so far. Anyway, today's pics can be divided in three categories. The first one is simple - strawberries. In the short period when good, fresh, sweet strawberries are available, I tend to put them into pretty much everything. Here presented in the liquid form of strawberry daiquiri composed of whatever we found at home (tonic, homemade calvados, crushed ice, fresh mint and loads of fresh strawberries), and as a breakfast special - the best treatment for homemade muesli is to combine it with cottage cheese processed with a handful of fresh strawberries, one banana and a bit of cinnamon. If wished, you may thin it down a bit with a splash of milk or water.
Okay, this seems to be the longest break in posting so far. Anyway, today's pics can be divided in three categories. The first one is simple - strawberries. In the short period when good, fresh, sweet strawberries are available, I tend to put them into pretty much everything. Here presented in the liquid form of strawberry daiquiri composed of whatever we found at home (tonic, homemade calvados, crushed ice, fresh mint and loads of fresh strawberries), and as a breakfast special - the best treatment for homemade muesli is to combine it with cottage cheese processed with a handful of fresh strawberries, one banana and a bit of cinnamon. If wished, you may thin it down a bit with a splash of milk or water.
April 12, 2009
Gruzie. I z kulinářského úhlu pohledu leží tato země na křižovatce východní a západní kultury, kde se potkávají nejrůznější vlivy. Díky tomu má místní kuchyně proměnlivý ráz - typickou specialitou jsou například variace chleba prodávaného ještě zatepla přímo od pekaře, jednou z bílého těsta, jindy z listového, plněné tu bílým sýrem, jindy zase masovou či luštěninovou směsí. V něčem připomínají Turecko, jindy zase zahrají na balkánskou notu. Smažený lilek s minimem koření dá vyniknout kvalitním surovinám a olivovému oleji, čímž má blízko k Řecku, ale i k jihovýchodním téměř-sousedům, totiž Peršanům. Kuchyně bohatě využívající čerstvých bylinek vůbec tu íránskou v lecčem připomíná, konkrétně jednoduchostí, s jakou se pracuje se základními surovinami, ale zároveň i velkorysým a promyšleným kombinováním doplňků, které jídlu dodávají unikátní ráz - třeba právě čerstvých bylinek, například zeleného koriandru či tarragonu. Příbuzný je i způsob stolování - nikoli náš individualistický zvyk postavit před každého strávníka talíř s jeho porcí, ale spousta malých talířků s nejrůznějšími dobrotami, chlebem, čerstvou zeleninou a saláty, ze kterých si každý naloží to, co je jeho srdci a chuťovým buňkám milé. Koření tu koupíte jedině na váhu, a je jedno, zda to bude u báby kořenářky, nebo v luxusním supermarketu; když dostanete chuť na med, vyberete si přímo od medaře z mnoha různých druhů, které dostanete ochutnat a naváží Vám ho přesně podle přání. Na trhu zase osloví hromady čerstvých, solených či uzených ryb. Krom toho je Gruzie zemí zaslíbenou vynikajícímu vínu, koňaku i tradičnímu čaji; pro labužníka zkrátka hotový ráj...
Georgia. Geographically, culturally and gourmet-wise, the country sits on the crossroads of the Eastern and Western world, where a variety of influences meet and form an engaging medley which is certain to enchant those who come here. Thanks to these influences, the local cuisine is versatile and lively. One staple of it is the variety of breads (you buy them still hot, direct from the baker's oven) some made of filo pastry, others of plain white dough, some stuffed with salty white cheese, others with meat or lentil puree. In some ways, these remind of Turkey, at other moments, one feels distinct Balkan echoes. Fried aubergines let the natural tastes of the core ingredients stand out. One thinks of Greece, but also of the South-Eastern almost-neighbours, the Persians. The cuisine reminded me of Iran in many ways - in the way it works with simple ingredients and combines them thoughtfully with flavourings, such as fresh herbs, be it coriander or tarragon, lending the food its unique, elaborate taste. Even the way of serving is similar - not our individualist habit to present each person at the table with one, individual plate with the food he ought to eat, but rather a gathering of dessert plates with a range of various foods, baskets of bread, plates of fresh veg and herbs, where one may freely choose anything he likes. When buying spices, you will always get them by spoonful, be it from the old lady in the tiny shop at the corner (I got mine wrapped in a translation of Dorian Gray), or from the most posh supermarket in town. When buying honey, you can try and taste several varieties and then you get the weight you want. In the market, you will be fascinated by piles of fresh, salted or smoked fish. On top of all this, Georgia is a land famous for its wine, cognac, and black tea. Simply put, a gourmet heaven...
Georgia. Geographically, culturally and gourmet-wise, the country sits on the crossroads of the Eastern and Western world, where a variety of influences meet and form an engaging medley which is certain to enchant those who come here. Thanks to these influences, the local cuisine is versatile and lively. One staple of it is the variety of breads (you buy them still hot, direct from the baker's oven) some made of filo pastry, others of plain white dough, some stuffed with salty white cheese, others with meat or lentil puree. In some ways, these remind of Turkey, at other moments, one feels distinct Balkan echoes. Fried aubergines let the natural tastes of the core ingredients stand out. One thinks of Greece, but also of the South-Eastern almost-neighbours, the Persians. The cuisine reminded me of Iran in many ways - in the way it works with simple ingredients and combines them thoughtfully with flavourings, such as fresh herbs, be it coriander or tarragon, lending the food its unique, elaborate taste. Even the way of serving is similar - not our individualist habit to present each person at the table with one, individual plate with the food he ought to eat, but rather a gathering of dessert plates with a range of various foods, baskets of bread, plates of fresh veg and herbs, where one may freely choose anything he likes. When buying spices, you will always get them by spoonful, be it from the old lady in the tiny shop at the corner (I got mine wrapped in a translation of Dorian Gray), or from the most posh supermarket in town. When buying honey, you can try and taste several varieties and then you get the weight you want. In the market, you will be fascinated by piles of fresh, salted or smoked fish. On top of all this, Georgia is a land famous for its wine, cognac, and black tea. Simply put, a gourmet heaven...
April 02, 2009
Tak už máme duben. V březnu jsem toho moc nenavařila a shrnutí je zde: jednak dva masožravé zážitky, premiéra sépiových špaget, další muffinová snídaně a nakonec omeleta co dům dal. Na prvním obrázku je k vidění kus šťavnaté krávy doplněné čerstvým špenátem na česneku, na druhém pak pečená jehněčí žebírka s černým chlebem. Obojí bylo plodem okamžité inspirace; steak mě oslovil v řeznictví a žebírka zase vydal můj mrazák. Ani jedno maso nepotřebovalo ničím kořenit, stačil olivový olej a trocha bylinek. Sépiové špagety jsem chtěla zkusit hlavně kvůli dramatické barvě, chutí se od těch normálních nijak zvlášť neliší. Dělala jsem je s česnekem, piniemi, sušeným rajčaty a čerstvým špenátem, byly hotové hned a chutnaly skvěle k večeři i druhý den. Banánové muffiny s jogurtem a s medem jsem chystala k snídani pro Janičku Lošťáků, když u mě onehdá přespala, a jednalo se o esteticko-gurmánsky podařený start do nového týdne. Omeleta pak byla posledním jídlem, které jsem ve své kuchyni pro následující měsíc vyrobila. Zužitkovala jsem na ní všechny zbytky, co se u mě našly, totiž pár vajec, trochu mléka, čerstvý špenát, fazolky a hrášek, a navrch parmazán.
So, April's here. In March, I did not cook much, and here is an overview of all the things worth mentioning: two meat events, black spaghetti premiere, another muffin breakfast, and, last item on the list, leftover omelette. The firs pic shows a juicy piece of cow served on a bed of fresh garlic spinach, next one features lamb ribs with rye bread. Both things were a result of a momentary decision, the first made at the butchers' and the second when opening the freezer. Both meats were so good that no real flavouring was necessary - all it took was a little olive oil and some herbs. The sepia-ink-coloured spaghetti appealed to me thanks to the dramatic colour, there isn't much difference in taste when compared to the normal ones. I prepared them with garlic, pine nuts, sundried tomatoes and a handful of fresh spinach. They were ready in no time, looked great and tasted equally so, both for dinner and the next day. Banana muffins with yoghurt and honey were a breakfast for Janička Lošťáková, who stayed at my place this Sunday, and I think they were a sufficient aesthetic and gourmet beginning of the new week. The final omelette was the last thing I cooked in my kitchen for the upcoming month, and I used up a range of random leftovers in its making: namely some eggs, milk, fresh spinach, peas and green beans, and some grated parmasan cheese. Yum!
So, April's here. In March, I did not cook much, and here is an overview of all the things worth mentioning: two meat events, black spaghetti premiere, another muffin breakfast, and, last item on the list, leftover omelette. The firs pic shows a juicy piece of cow served on a bed of fresh garlic spinach, next one features lamb ribs with rye bread. Both things were a result of a momentary decision, the first made at the butchers' and the second when opening the freezer. Both meats were so good that no real flavouring was necessary - all it took was a little olive oil and some herbs. The sepia-ink-coloured spaghetti appealed to me thanks to the dramatic colour, there isn't much difference in taste when compared to the normal ones. I prepared them with garlic, pine nuts, sundried tomatoes and a handful of fresh spinach. They were ready in no time, looked great and tasted equally so, both for dinner and the next day. Banana muffins with yoghurt and honey were a breakfast for Janička Lošťáková, who stayed at my place this Sunday, and I think they were a sufficient aesthetic and gourmet beginning of the new week. The final omelette was the last thing I cooked in my kitchen for the upcoming month, and I used up a range of random leftovers in its making: namely some eggs, milk, fresh spinach, peas and green beans, and some grated parmasan cheese. Yum!
March 15, 2009
Minulý týden jsem strávila sama u Kroftů na Špičáku, abych se mohla soustředit na překládání, od kterého mě doma ruší tisíc a jedna věcí. Už dlouho jsem nezažila něco tak příjemného - celý týden nepřetržitě sněžilo a tak jsem si připadala jak na samém konci světa. Dopoledne jsem chodila na lyže a zbytek dne jsem překládala a překládala. Výhled ven do chumelenice a na zasněžené smrky mi dodával tolik energie, že najednou nebyl problém vstát v šest a celý den fungovat, o čemž se mi v Praze může skutečně jen zdát. Z jiného soudku je ještě link na galerii z třídního srazu. S překvapením jsme zjistili, že to letos bude deset let, co jsme opustili PORG, a čekají nás první třicátiny. Večer to byl ale příjemný, jako bychom se naposled viděli třeba před týdnem (a dobře, že v některých případech tomu tak skutečně je)...
Last week I decided to get out of Prague to concentrate on some work which had to be done, so I made a deal with Mariana to borrow their house at Špičák. There, I spent one of the most pleasant weeks of this winter. It was snowing non-stop so I felt like I truly retreated to the very end of this world. In the mornings, I would go skiing and the rest of the day would be spent at the kitchen table, translating and translating. The fresh air and the view of the falling snow covering the tall trees outside gave me such energy that I was able to get up around six and function all day long - a luxury which I could only dream of here in Prague. I also added a link to a gallery with pictures from our class reunion. We were quite surprised to realize that it will be ten years since we left PORG this year, and we have the first 30th birthday coming up. Nevertheless, the evening was really pleasant, as if we saw each other a week ago (and thankfully, in many cases this is literally so)...
Last week I decided to get out of Prague to concentrate on some work which had to be done, so I made a deal with Mariana to borrow their house at Špičák. There, I spent one of the most pleasant weeks of this winter. It was snowing non-stop so I felt like I truly retreated to the very end of this world. In the mornings, I would go skiing and the rest of the day would be spent at the kitchen table, translating and translating. The fresh air and the view of the falling snow covering the tall trees outside gave me such energy that I was able to get up around six and function all day long - a luxury which I could only dream of here in Prague. I also added a link to a gallery with pictures from our class reunion. We were quite surprised to realize that it will be ten years since we left PORG this year, and we have the first 30th birthday coming up. Nevertheless, the evening was really pleasant, as if we saw each other a week ago (and thankfully, in many cases this is literally so)...
Tridni sraz Zluta Pumpa |
V poslední době jsem toho moc neuvařila, až na pár výjimek v podobě salátových variací a muffinů k čaji. Vždycky jde o čisté improvizace na téma co zbylo v ledničce, ale občas dojde i k příjemnému překvapení. Tentokrát mě potěšily muffiny, o které jsem se nedávno podělila s Lindou - ukázalo se, že kombinace sušených meruňek, brusinek, trochy rumu, pomerančové kůry a skořice je skutečně nepřekonatelná. Na posledním obrázku je záběr z průběhu přípravy domácí tymiánové paštiky se sušenými rajčátky, která se také povedla.
I didn't cook much lately, so the only new things are salad variations and the occasional something to sate one's sweet tooth. This time, I made muffins when Linda came around, and they turned out to be a pleasant surprise: A combination of dried apricots and cranberries, a bit of rum, some grated orange rind and cinnamon went along just beautifully. The last picture shows the preparation process of homemade paté with sundried tomatoes, which also turned out quite well.
I didn't cook much lately, so the only new things are salad variations and the occasional something to sate one's sweet tooth. This time, I made muffins when Linda came around, and they turned out to be a pleasant surprise: A combination of dried apricots and cranberries, a bit of rum, some grated orange rind and cinnamon went along just beautifully. The last picture shows the preparation process of homemade paté with sundried tomatoes, which also turned out quite well.
February 23, 2009
O víkendu jsme zase jednou vyrazili ke Kroftům na Špičák, toho času pohřbený pod metrovou vrstvou čerstvého sněhu. Komorní sestava pěti kousků se ukázala být naprosto ideální - víkend proběhl v klidu a míru, cpali jsme se indickým curry, vynikajícími šunkofleky a dalšími dobrotami, shlédli řádku neshlédnutelných televizních hitů v čele s Malým velkýn mužem, a dokonce jsme se vydali i na procházku k Černému jezeru. Lyžování jsme sice moc nedali, ale nevadilo to ani v nejmenším. Jen bylo v neděli poměrně náročné přinutit se opustit tu oázu klidu a bezčasí a vydat se zpátky do velkoměsta, kde po tichu není ani památky, na čerstvý horský vzduch může člověk leda tak vzpomínat, a ze sněhu zbývá jen špinavá břečka. A navíc tu čeká hromada práce.
Over the weekend, we set off once again to visit the Špičák hacienda owned by the Kroft family, currently burried under a meter-high layer of fresh snow. A modest combination of five souls turned out to be just perfect - the weekend was totally peaceful, we stuffed our stomachs full of Indian curry, excellent pasta bake and other delicacies, we voluntarily suffered through a range of insufferable TV hits led by the The Little Big Man aka Dustin Hoffman, and we even went for a walk to see the Black Lake. We did not ski much, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. Only on Sunday, it wasn't at all easy to force ourselves to get up and leave the quiet oasis where time seemed to stop, and trade it for the big city where silence is a thing to be desired, fresh mountain air remains a distant memory, and snow turns into dirty slush the moment it touches down. And one has to work.
improvizovaná sladká tečka...
indické curry, courtesy of Patak's
zasněžené smrky v šálku čaje
Over the weekend, we set off once again to visit the Špičák hacienda owned by the Kroft family, currently burried under a meter-high layer of fresh snow. A modest combination of five souls turned out to be just perfect - the weekend was totally peaceful, we stuffed our stomachs full of Indian curry, excellent pasta bake and other delicacies, we voluntarily suffered through a range of insufferable TV hits led by the The Little Big Man aka Dustin Hoffman, and we even went for a walk to see the Black Lake. We did not ski much, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. Only on Sunday, it wasn't at all easy to force ourselves to get up and leave the quiet oasis where time seemed to stop, and trade it for the big city where silence is a thing to be desired, fresh mountain air remains a distant memory, and snow turns into dirty slush the moment it touches down. And one has to work.
improvizovaná sladká tečka...
indické curry, courtesy of Patak's
zasněžené smrky v šálku čaje
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