Georgia. Geographically, culturally and gourmet-wise, the country sits on the crossroads of the Eastern and Western world, where a variety of influences meet and form an engaging medley which is certain to enchant those who come here. Thanks to these influences, the local cuisine is versatile and lively. One staple of it is the variety of breads (you buy them still hot, direct from the baker's oven) some made of filo pastry, others of plain white dough, some stuffed with salty white cheese, others with meat or lentil puree. In some ways, these remind of Turkey, at other moments, one feels distinct Balkan echoes. Fried aubergines let the natural tastes of the core ingredients stand out. One thinks of Greece, but also of the South-Eastern almost-neighbours, the Persians. The cuisine reminded me of Iran in many ways - in the way it works with simple ingredients and combines them thoughtfully with flavourings, such as fresh herbs, be it coriander or tarragon, lending the food its unique, elaborate taste. Even the way of serving is similar - not our individualist habit to present each person at the table with one, individual plate with the food he ought to eat, but rather a gathering of dessert plates with a range of various foods, baskets of bread, plates of fresh veg and herbs, where one may freely choose anything he likes. When buying spices, you will always get them by spoonful, be it from the old lady in the tiny shop at the corner (I got mine wrapped in a translation of Dorian Gray), or from the most posh supermarket in town. When buying honey, you can try and taste several varieties and then you get the weight you want. In the market, you will be fascinated by piles of fresh, salted or smoked fish. On top of all this, Georgia is a land famous for its wine, cognac, and black tea. Simply put, a gourmet heaven...

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