December 02, 2008
Včera jsem před samoobsluhou náhodou potkala Růženky bratra Pluta, když čekal na paničku, až se vrátí z nákupu. Slovo dalo slovo a byla z toho dnešní společná dopolední procházka. Ještě víc než u Růži se v Plutovi buldok skutečně nezapře - vyrostlo z něj cosi, co by se dalo označit pojmem nehorázné hovado. Jinak ale mají spoustu společného, včetně nenávisti k veverkám, lenosti, pohodlíčka, výrazů v obličeji i ochoty přátelsky olízat každého náhodného kolemjdoucího. Prostě bratr a sestra... A poslední obrázek je předvčerejší super rychlá omeletka k večeři. Ňam.
Yesterday, I met Růža's brother Pluto sitting in front of a grocery shop, waiting for his owner. I waited with him and we agreed on a walk this morning. Even more than Růža, Pluto has the bulldog genes - he has grown into an enormous, ginger-coloured beast. Other than being twice Růža's size, they have a lot in common, including their hatred towards squirrels, their incredible laziness and sense for comfort, their common face expressions and the willingness to befriend every stranger that walks past. Well, brother and sister.. The last picture shows one super-fast omelette I made for dinner two days ago. Yum.
Yesterday, I met Růža's brother Pluto sitting in front of a grocery shop, waiting for his owner. I waited with him and we agreed on a walk this morning. Even more than Růža, Pluto has the bulldog genes - he has grown into an enormous, ginger-coloured beast. Other than being twice Růža's size, they have a lot in common, including their hatred towards squirrels, their incredible laziness and sense for comfort, their common face expressions and the willingness to befriend every stranger that walks past. Well, brother and sister.. The last picture shows one super-fast omelette I made for dinner two days ago. Yum.