Two more things. First, Růženka turned two years old on Friday. Although she did not get a birthday party, at least I had a chance to browse through the piles of old photos, from the first images of an innocent dog child, through the accidents and injuries of her youth, up to the meditation with hot grog taken this spring and two shots taken a few weeks ago. All in all, the two years of her life were pretty eventful and it can be said that she has grown into one fine dog lady. Right now, she is staring out the window with her head resting on the radiator, waiting for the treat I promised her once I finish this. What a dog's life she has!

Druhá věc je slavnostní oznámení Nové Kuchyně. Respektive, konečně dokončené staré kuchyně. O víkendu jsme s tátou po roce pečlivého plánování (ehm...) namontovali horní skříňky a digestoř, a je neuvěřitelné, jak takhle zdánlivá drobnost posunula celý byt o obrovský kus kupředu směrem ke zdárnému dokončení. Dělala jsem toho doma v poslední době víc, proto sem brzy přibude jedna galerie s nejnovějšími inovacemi mé holešovické rezidence.
Second thing is an announcement: I finished my kitchen, finally! Over the weekend, we attached the top cabinets with my dad after a year of careful planning (well...), and it's amazing how such a little change helped transform my place so much closer towards proper living quarters. I've been remodeling quite a bit lately, so I will be adding a gallery with all these new things soon.