Today, I will only add a short overview of one day. Yesterday's very late, after-midnight dinner consisted of fresh shrimp grilled with garlic and a dash of olive oil, and it was a delight. The shrimp came to me while shopping with Honánek in preparation of today's feast (update dedicated to this topic shall arrive soon). At first, we bought twice the amount of these totally fresh, lovely, yet cheap little beasts than indicated in the recipe. Then, the inevitable happened and each of us picked up an extra bag of these for diner. As the headline at AAA taxis says, the best decisions are those you enjoy.

Další foto je zátiší z mého dnešního snídaňově pracovního dopoledne. Místo slušného snídání jsem se při psaní na počítači cpala hroznovým vínem a popíjela výborný zelený čaj, a taky to šlo.
The next picture shows this morning's "breakfast". Instead of sitting down to a proper breakfast, I nibbled some grapes while working, and apparently, I survived.

Vynahradil mi to hned vzápětí oběd, který sestával z toho nejjednoduššího možného salátu z rukoly, rajčat a kozího sýra, doplněného černým žitným chlebem s tímtéž kozím sýrem. Když si tak ten poslední den rekapituluju, docházím k závěru, že mám svůj život fakt ráda.
Right afterwards, I made it up with the simplest lunch possible: the salad was made of rocket, tomato, and goat's cheese, and I ate it with dark rye bread with the same goat's cheese. When looking back at this day, I come to the conclusion that I really like my life.