August 27, 2007
Jsem zase nemocná. Už od minulého týdne mám teploty a připadám si, jako bych spolkla struhadlo. Léčím se opět hovězí polévkou, tentokrát jsem k ní přidala i silný zázvorový čaj. Krom spousty čerstvého zázvoru do něj dávám i celé kousky citrónu, domácí med a mátu. Tak doufám, že mi brzy bude líp... Přestože jsem nemocná, neodolala jsem výzvě v podobě tašky čerstvých hrušek, které nám poslala Pavlova maminka, a dva výsledky vidíte dole. První na sladko a jmenuje se to křupavé hruškové clafoutis (bůhví, co to znamená), druhý je již ozkoušená kombinace hrušek, špenátu a modrého sýra a rozpečené bagetě.
I am feeling ill again. Since last week, I'm running a fever and I feel as if I have swallowed a grater. Once again, I'm trying to get better by eating very strong beef chowder and drinking fresh ginger infusion. Apart from pieces of fresh ginger, I also put in pieces of whole lemon, lots of honey and some mint. I hope to get better soon... Despite of being sick, I could not resist the challenge which arrived in the shape of a bag full of fresh pears sent to us by Pavel's mom. The results are seen below. The first is sweet and it is called The Crispy Pear Clafoutis, the second is a well-tried combination of pears, spinach and blue cheese on a bit of roasted baguette.
I am feeling ill again. Since last week, I'm running a fever and I feel as if I have swallowed a grater. Once again, I'm trying to get better by eating very strong beef chowder and drinking fresh ginger infusion. Apart from pieces of fresh ginger, I also put in pieces of whole lemon, lots of honey and some mint. I hope to get better soon... Despite of being sick, I could not resist the challenge which arrived in the shape of a bag full of fresh pears sent to us by Pavel's mom. The results are seen below. The first is sweet and it is called The Crispy Pear Clafoutis, the second is a well-tried combination of pears, spinach and blue cheese on a bit of roasted baguette.