February 07, 2009
Ačkoliv víkend trávím pracovně (konečně jsem začala něco dělat, protože už mi s překládáním pěkně teče do bot), přesto jsem usoudila, že si potřebuju po zážitcích posledních několika dní trochu vyvětrat hlavu. A protože Stromovka bývá o víkendech nesnesitelně plná lidí a navíc tam chodím už téměř v pyžamu, vydala jsem konečně zas na kolo. Snad se tomu ani nedá říkat výlet, spíš malá sobotní vyjížďka, ale svůj účel to splnilo. Šáreckým údolím do Lysolají, Suchdol, Roztoky, Klecánky a zpátky domů. Vždycky mě znovu překvapí, jaký kousek od městských Holešovic jsou vesnické návsi, pole plná mlhy, bahnité pěšiny a hájky opadaných listnáčů. Obědvala jsem mandarinku a korbáčky na jakési mezi za Suchdolem a závěrečný sjezd do Roztok mě málem stál život, zato mi ale vyplavil do krve spousty adrenalinu, který jsem potřebovala jako sůl. Téměř na závěr mě čekal ještě deprimující zážitek v podobě prohlídky městského útulku, a stálo mě veškeré mentální úsilí, abych teď neměla doma krom své zpovykané Růženky ještě dalšího psího kamaráda. Tedy, minimálně tři až pět.
Although this is officially a working weekend, I decided that after the events of the past few days, I needed some fresh air. And because Stromovka on weekends isn't a place for being on one's own, and besides, I go there every day wearing pretty much my pyjamas, I took the bike and took off. It was just a little Saturday outing lasting no more than a few hours, but it has done me good. Through the Šárka valley up to Lysolaje, Suchdol, Roztoky and Klecánky, and all the way back home. It never fails to surprise me how, so near to the city bustle of Holešovice, one can find the austere peace of villages with only an occasional barking dog here and there, the fields covered in a blanket of fog, the muddy paths and the groves of barren, winter trees. For lunch, I had a tangerine and a few strips of cheese on some meadow near Suchdol, and the final downhill ride to Roztoky almost cost me life (yes, SPDs CAN be dangerous). However, it did flood my veins with much needed adrenalin, which was exactly why I did not brake. Towards the very end, I took a depressing tour in the municipal dog shelter, and it took me all my willpower not to be surrounded with a couple of these poor souls right now, apart from my spoiled ginger brat.
I know we make a great couple.
Dělíme se o korbáček.
Růža hlídá kolo.
Covered in mud.
Jízdní řád.
Ocásek kontempluje.
A takhle se má princezna doma.
Although this is officially a working weekend, I decided that after the events of the past few days, I needed some fresh air. And because Stromovka on weekends isn't a place for being on one's own, and besides, I go there every day wearing pretty much my pyjamas, I took the bike and took off. It was just a little Saturday outing lasting no more than a few hours, but it has done me good. Through the Šárka valley up to Lysolaje, Suchdol, Roztoky and Klecánky, and all the way back home. It never fails to surprise me how, so near to the city bustle of Holešovice, one can find the austere peace of villages with only an occasional barking dog here and there, the fields covered in a blanket of fog, the muddy paths and the groves of barren, winter trees. For lunch, I had a tangerine and a few strips of cheese on some meadow near Suchdol, and the final downhill ride to Roztoky almost cost me life (yes, SPDs CAN be dangerous). However, it did flood my veins with much needed adrenalin, which was exactly why I did not brake. Towards the very end, I took a depressing tour in the municipal dog shelter, and it took me all my willpower not to be surrounded with a couple of these poor souls right now, apart from my spoiled ginger brat.
I know we make a great couple.
Dělíme se o korbáček.
Růža hlídá kolo.
Covered in mud.
Jízdní řád.
Ocásek kontempluje.
A takhle se má princezna doma.