January 11, 2009
Ještě se vrátím zpět, totiž k večeři, na kterou jsem pozvala pár rodinných známých mezi svátky. Krom toho, že z toho vylezl neobyčejně příjemný, komorní večer plný duchaplné konverzace (aspoň asi do třetí otevřené lahve), jsem byla spokojená i s výsledkem vaření. Recept na polévku jsem našla náhodou chvilku před začátkem přípravy v jedné ze svých kuchařek, a ačkoli jsem od tymiánového vývaru z lesních hub s rajčaty a česnekem neočekávala nic převratného, výsledek mě dokázal příjemně překvapit. Zlatým hřebem večera ale bylo kleftiko: novozélandské jehňátko jsem nakrájela na velké kostky, marinovala je přes noc v mátě, tymiánu, rozmarýnu a olivovém oleji, a nakonec upekla v balíčcích z pečícího papíru. Tenhle trik jsem nevymyslela já. Nedávno mi totiž tuhle dobrotu připravily dvě spřízněné obžerné duše, a výsledek byl tak neuvěřitelný, že jsem ten zážitek prostě musela reprodukovat. Díky pečícímu papíru je jehně udělané úplně akorát - ani pečené, ani dušené, prostě měkkoučké, šťavnaté, trochu křupavé, prostě dokonalé. Jako přílohu jsem servírovala osvědčenou, ač nezvyklou kombinaci grilované zeleniny, tedy sladké brambory kombinované s řepou a zapečené s tymiánem a fetou. Na tenhle zážitek budu myslím ještě nějakou dobu vzpomínat, a rozhodně ho lze považovat za důstojnou kulinářskou tečku roku 2008.
Let's get even further back, to a dinner which I prepared for a few family friends during the holidays. Apart from it being a very pleasant, private evening full of meaningful conversation (until about the third bottle of wine was opened, that is), I was quite happy with the food, too. I found the recipe for thyme and wild mushroom broth just before the dinner and frankly, I did not expect much from it - yet, the result didn't disappoint me as I half expected. However, the star of the evening was the lamb kleftiko. I cut the lamb into large cubes which I marinated overnight in olive oil and herbs, namely mint, thyme and rosemary. Then, the cubes were sealed in little parcels of baking paper and baked in the oven on low setting for a couple of hours. This trick is not of my making - recently, I was served this delicacy by two fellow gastronomy-obsessed souls, and the result was so unbelievable that I simply had to reproduce the heavenly experience on my own. Thanks to the semi-transparent baking paper, the lamb comes out half-steamed, half-baked: it's juicy, tender, yet a little crispy - simply perfect. As an accompaniment, I served a well tried, yet unusual combination of sweet potatoes, beet root, and feta. I think that this was quite a honourable finish to the culinary season of 2008.
Let's get even further back, to a dinner which I prepared for a few family friends during the holidays. Apart from it being a very pleasant, private evening full of meaningful conversation (until about the third bottle of wine was opened, that is), I was quite happy with the food, too. I found the recipe for thyme and wild mushroom broth just before the dinner and frankly, I did not expect much from it - yet, the result didn't disappoint me as I half expected. However, the star of the evening was the lamb kleftiko. I cut the lamb into large cubes which I marinated overnight in olive oil and herbs, namely mint, thyme and rosemary. Then, the cubes were sealed in little parcels of baking paper and baked in the oven on low setting for a couple of hours. This trick is not of my making - recently, I was served this delicacy by two fellow gastronomy-obsessed souls, and the result was so unbelievable that I simply had to reproduce the heavenly experience on my own. Thanks to the semi-transparent baking paper, the lamb comes out half-steamed, half-baked: it's juicy, tender, yet a little crispy - simply perfect. As an accompaniment, I served a well tried, yet unusual combination of sweet potatoes, beet root, and feta. I think that this was quite a honourable finish to the culinary season of 2008.