September 18, 2008
Dnes přibude jen link na tři galerie* ze zřejmě posledního letošního výletu, který se ještě dal počítat do léta. Pět dnů v Ga-Pa uteklo jako voda: Stihla jsem pár procházek, místní trh se vším možným co se jídla týče, deštivý výlet do Mnichova i výstup na Zugspitze, tedy nejvyšší kopec Německa. Bylo nádherně (jeden z posledních letních dnů, obávám se), ale všude se motaly spousty lidí. Závěrů je několik. Jednak jsem zkonstatovala, že pracovat ve dvou tisících s výhledem na Alpy bych si dala líbit častěji; zadruhé, davy turistů vlezou skutečně všude; a zatřetí, Mnichov v neděli a v dešti je trochu depresivní záležitost - protože se jedná o metropoli katolického Bavorska, jediné otevřené podniky jsou kostely, turecké kavárny, bordely, a naštěstí i muzea. Co dodat na závěr? V Praze nám asi definitivně přišel podzim, takže jsem začala topit a přesunula se do zimního udržovacího módu. Konzumuju hektolitry horkého čaje, k tomu deka, počítač, a výhled ven do deště...
*fotil Martin a já cca 50/50, ač na můj Canon
Today comes a link to three galleries* which sum up this year's last (most likely) summer outing. Five days in Garmisch Partenkirchen flew past without me even noticing. I took a few walks, visited a local farmer's market, took a rainy trip to Munich, and conquered the Zugspitze, the tallest peak in Germany. The weather was lovely, one of the las sunny days of this summer, so there were loads of people everywhere. Three observations: first, I must admit that having an office in 2000 meters of altitude with a view of the Zugspitze is a luxury I'd like to be able to afford more often; second, tourists really do get everywhere; and, third, Munich on a rainy Sunday may come off a little depressive: due to its prominent standing as the metropolis of the strictly Catholic state of Bavaria, the only places open on Sundays are churches, Turkish kebab shops, brothels, and, thank Cod for that, museums. What else to say? Autumn seems to have arrived to Prague. I turned on the heating and decided to enter my winter hibernation period. I drink endless pots of hot black tea, sit at the computer wrapped in a blanket and stare out the window through the rain...
*pics by Martin and me 50/50, although all taken with my camera
*fotil Martin a já cca 50/50, ač na můj Canon
Today comes a link to three galleries* which sum up this year's last (most likely) summer outing. Five days in Garmisch Partenkirchen flew past without me even noticing. I took a few walks, visited a local farmer's market, took a rainy trip to Munich, and conquered the Zugspitze, the tallest peak in Germany. The weather was lovely, one of the las sunny days of this summer, so there were loads of people everywhere. Three observations: first, I must admit that having an office in 2000 meters of altitude with a view of the Zugspitze is a luxury I'd like to be able to afford more often; second, tourists really do get everywhere; and, third, Munich on a rainy Sunday may come off a little depressive: due to its prominent standing as the metropolis of the strictly Catholic state of Bavaria, the only places open on Sundays are churches, Turkish kebab shops, brothels, and, thank Cod for that, museums. What else to say? Autumn seems to have arrived to Prague. I turned on the heating and decided to enter my winter hibernation period. I drink endless pots of hot black tea, sit at the computer wrapped in a blanket and stare out the window through the rain...
*pics by Martin and me 50/50, although all taken with my camera