This post will be dedicated to what my life is like when living with the best of all wives in the world. The first picture features a view from our kitchen window, and it was taken during the last improvised window sill party. Living on the ground floor has many drawbacks, but in some respects, it's not all that bad. When the two of us pick up some wine and cigarettes and sit back comfortably against the bars in our window, not only a pleasant evening of girlie small talk can be expected: we are also in for unexpected surprises walking past. On this occasion, we had a chance to chat with a fellow dog owner we know from the park, and pet a friendly labrador walking by. We were rather pleased by the informal request for a cigarette from an 18-year-old, who made us feel a little less obsolete; the final amusement came in the form of our neighbour who managed to park his car with effortless nonchalance and then emerged from it unable to stand straight, let alone walk. He enquired about our little party, informed us that his employees piss him off, and then headed off to a pub. That's how it goes...

V odkazu z galerie jsou k vidění obrázky ze sobotního výletu do kokořínského dolu. Vůbec jsme nezmokly, příjemně se prošly, vychutnaly si kofolu a hospodské prasárny, prostě idylka. Nakonec jsme zvládly i šílený úkol, totiž odložit doma Růženu a vydat se do Hornbachu a Ikey pro pár propriet, které nám zútulní byt. Naštěstí v neděli dorazil tatínek, bez něhož bych už, mám pocit, nezatloukla ani hřebík. K tomuto tématu patří i zbývající fota: je na nich jednak dvojice obyčejných dřevěných komod, které jsme oživily namořením na bílo, výměnou úchytek a polepením lístečky, a jednak náš úžasný noční stoleček z bedny od jablek, kterou jsme natřely, já do ní natloukla poličku ze dvou prken a Magda k ní přišroubovala kolečka. A nakonec ještě malá zrzavá kráva s výstavkou našich čerstvých bylinek. Tak takhle nějak bydlí dvě krávy.
The linked gallery features pics from our Saturday trip to Kokořín. We managed to avoid rain, took a pleasant walk, enjoyed some kofola and genuine pub junk food on the way - an ideal day, to put it short. At the end of the day, we succeeded in a Herculean task: after dropping off the dog, we headed to Hornbach and Ikea to pick up a few DIY necessities. Thankfully, my dad arrived on Sunday to help us out with the "projects", as I suspect I would have been totally lost without his assistance. The remaining pics fit into this category, too: they feature two simple wooden chests which we dressed in white stain, fitted with new knobs, and decorated with some stickers. Next is our wonderful white bedside unit made from an old wooden box painted white. I fitted it with a shelf made from two pieces of wood and Magda attached little wheels to it, and voilá! The last picture features the little red beast meditating in front of our fresh herb pots. So, this is how the two of us live...
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