April 14, 2008
A ještě jedno masožroutské zátiší z dnešního večera. Minulý týden jsem se náhodou dostala ke kilu argentinského vysokého roštěnce, a rozhodně jsme s Magdou nemusely příliš přemýšlet, co s ním uděláme. Od začátku bylo jasné, že ho zkonzumujeme v téměř syrovém stavu, pouze lehce zamaskované kůrčičkou. Jediné překvapení spočívalo v tom, zda celé kilo steaků sežereme už první večer, nebo se ovládneme a zbude něco i na další den. Nakonec překvapivě došlo na variantu b), takže se máme na co těšit i zítra.
And another carnivorous still life from today's evening. Last week, I was lucky enough to run across a kilo of argentinean rib eye steak, and we didn't have to think twice about what shall happen with it. From the beginning, it was clear that it shall be devoured pretty much raw, decorated only with a (very) thin outside crust. The only surprise was whether we will consume the full kilo of steaks the first evening, or whether we shall restrain ourselves and keep some for tomorrow. Surprisingly enough, option b) had won, so we still have some of this heavenly treat left for tomorrow.
And another carnivorous still life from today's evening. Last week, I was lucky enough to run across a kilo of argentinean rib eye steak, and we didn't have to think twice about what shall happen with it. From the beginning, it was clear that it shall be devoured pretty much raw, decorated only with a (very) thin outside crust. The only surprise was whether we will consume the full kilo of steaks the first evening, or whether we shall restrain ourselves and keep some for tomorrow. Surprisingly enough, option b) had won, so we still have some of this heavenly treat left for tomorrow.