January 31, 2008
S obrázky dnešní báječné večeře přichází oficiální představení mé nové, dokonalé a nejlepší manželky. Personální změna v obsazení naší holešovické rezidence vyhovuje jak Růžence, tak mně; s Magdou je tu prostě líp. Pro ilustraci jedné z mnoha výhod tohoto uspořádání viz foto geniální pórkové polévky ňamovky níže, kterou jsme dnes večeřely jako první chod před tandoori vepřovými steaky s dušenou zeleninou. Co dodat víc.
The pics of today's fabulous dinner shall come together with one official announcement: my new, perfect and very best wife has just moved in. This living arrangement pleases both me and Růženka; in short, Magda is very much welcome here at our place. To illustrate just one of the benefits of this way of living, see the photo of the delicate "yummy" leek soup illustrated bellow. We had it as a first course today, preceding pork tandoori steaks with steamed broccoli and mixed veg. Is there anything else to say?
to jsme my v Londýně. v sobotu letíme zase, hurá!!! / this is us in London. on Saturday, we are off for another long weekend there. Hooray!!!
The pics of today's fabulous dinner shall come together with one official announcement: my new, perfect and very best wife has just moved in. This living arrangement pleases both me and Růženka; in short, Magda is very much welcome here at our place. To illustrate just one of the benefits of this way of living, see the photo of the delicate "yummy" leek soup illustrated bellow. We had it as a first course today, preceding pork tandoori steaks with steamed broccoli and mixed veg. Is there anything else to say?
to jsme my v Londýně. v sobotu letíme zase, hurá!!! / this is us in London. on Saturday, we are off for another long weekend there. Hooray!!!