So, the time is ripe for a few new pics of various delicacies. It can be said that apart from two exceptions, nothing breakthrough has come from my kitchen. Nevertheless, the pics bellow pretty much reveal my culinary lifestyle. The morning toast of grilled ciabatta covered with rocket and white natural cheese helped me come to terms with yet another workday. Salad with avocado and mustard and, again, rocket (my recent favourite, as you may have noticed) was a bright spot in the grey reality of cold dinners and poor quality restaurants visited in order to avoid cooking. Creamy mushroom soup made by Maggi counts among the pleasant surprises of ready-made cooking supplies. Although it is a soup sold as a ready-made, dried mixture, it does not contain any conservants, colourings, or other crap. Especially when combined with a handful of hand-picked, dried wild mushrooms, it was deffinitely the most pleasant surprise to come from the shop shelves in the past couple of months. Thanks to Magda for the tip and for the first tasting as well. And, to close the day off, there was some quacamole combined with tortilla chips and, perhaps surprisingly, with grilled chestnuts. Although the combination was purely coincidental, it did fit together beautifully, especially in the context of red wine and pleasant girls' smalltalk.

Dvě výše zmiňované výjimky sice také patří do kategorie výjimečně podařené improvizace, budu na ně ale dlouho vzpomínat. První bylo klasické červené thajské curry. Měla jsem na něj chuť už nějakou dobu, když jsem se ale jednoho večera konečně vydala pro potřebné ingredience, zavřeli mi obchod před nosem a já neměla plánované kuřecí ani vepřové maso. Protože jsem si ale večer bez curry už nedovedla představit, v asijské večerce jsem se stavila pro červené papriky, nějaké ty žampiony a pár cuket. Ačkoliv jsem zvolila úplně klasický postup, dokonce bez čerstvých bylinek, zázvoru a podobně, curry se povedlo snad jako nikdy předtím. Kdo ví, jestli za to mohla šťastná kombinace zeleniny, přídavek trochy čočky a rozinek, podařená basmati rýže s kořením a kokosem, pomalé vaření prokládané posedáváním u počítače, nebo jenom šťastná hvězda...
The two above-mentioned exceptions fit also into the category of a chance gone well. Nevertheless, I will remember the two for a long time. First of them was a classic Thai red curry. I felt like having some curry for a good while, but when I finally set out to buy the ingredients one evening, they closed the shop just before I got there and I ended up without the intended chicken or pork. However, by that time, I was so set to enjoy the meal that evening that I stopped by in an Asian corner shop and picked up some red peppers, mushrooms and courgettes. Although the procedure was entirely classic and it didn't even include any fancy fresh herbs or even fresh gigner, it came out to be probably the best curry ever to emerge from my kitchen. Who knows what is to blame: whether it was the lucky combination of veg, the red lentils I added with a handful of raisins, the coconut-flavoured basmati rice which came out just right, or whether it was the slow cooking combined with attending to my computer... Or maybe my lucky star.

Další zážitek jsem si připravila před pár hodinami. Po další sobotě strávené u počítače jsem usoudila, že překlad mám skoro hotový a tak si zasloužím odměnu. Vydala jsem se proto do obchodu s velice jasnou vidinou šťavnatého steaku před očima. Asi za to zase mohla souhra náhod v čele s kvalitní pravou svíčkovou, ale tahhle křehký, šťavnatý, krvavý a prostě dokonalý steak jsem snad ještě nejedla. V jednoduchosti je síla: zprudka opečený bez jakéhokoli nakládání či dochucování (krom obligátního finálního osolení a opepření), usazený na vrstvě zelených fazolek na másle, na tenhle kus mrtvé krávy budu ještě dlouho vzpomínat. Myslím, že i skrze žaludek se dá dojít osvícení...
I ate the second above mentioned memorable meal a few hours ago. After spending the whole of Saturday in front of the computer, I decided I need a reward for the translation I have nearly finished. I set off with a lucid vision of a juicy beef steak levitating in front of my eyes. Again, it was probably a lucky chance which made me run across a high-quality sirloin steak and my minute decision to spoil myself, but I must honestly say that this tender, juicy, bloody, just perfect steak was probably the best in my life so far. Simplicity takes you far: briefly grilled on hot oil, with no marinating or seasoning (of course, not counting the obligatory salt and pepper to finish it), served on a bed of butter-fried green beans, I think I will remember this piece of dead cow until the end of my days. I guess your stomach may take you towards enlightenment, too...