August 28, 2007
Obědvaly jsme s Lindou, a bylo to fajn! Měly jsme makaróny na česneku se špenátem a sušenými rajčátky, které Linda pořídila u pana Arménce odnaproti. I Růža se nás snažila přesvědčit, že patří do holčičího spolku a tudíž má taky nárok na nějaký ten makarón, ale i když se snažila poctivě, odolaly jsme. Vydržela na svůj podíl čekat až do samého konce, než zbytek makarónů zmizel v plastové krabičce v lednici. Tak třeba příště...
I had lunch with Linda and it was nice! We had some macaroni with spinach, garlic, and sundried tomatoes, which Linda brought from Mr. Armenian's shop from across the street. Růža tried to persuade us that she too is a girl and so that she deserves at least one macaroni, but even though she tried hard, we resisted. She patiently waited for her share up until the last moment, when the leftovers were hidden in a little plastic box and went to the fridge. Well, maybe next time...
I had lunch with Linda and it was nice! We had some macaroni with spinach, garlic, and sundried tomatoes, which Linda brought from Mr. Armenian's shop from across the street. Růža tried to persuade us that she too is a girl and so that she deserves at least one macaroni, but even though she tried hard, we resisted. She patiently waited for her share up until the last moment, when the leftovers were hidden in a little plastic box and went to the fridge. Well, maybe next time...