Surprise surprise, I'm still here! So. My life has turned upside down and I became a corporate slave, an office rat whose dog needs some strange girl to take her out... Oh well. What can we do? Fortunately, knowing myself, this arrangement won't last forever, and as a stopover on the road towards better days, I can deal with this just fine. So, today, I will add the few bits and pieces of the culinary world that happened to me over the last couple of months, plus links to some galleries with new pics. Enjoy!

Ranní omeleta z biovajíček s čerstvým špenátem pro Zu a Vítka, doladěná extra starým kozím sýrem, kefírem a čerstvými bagely odnaproti. Morning omelette from organic eggs and with fresh spinach, shared with Zu and Vítek. To tune it up, I sprinkled it with extra-mature goat cheese and served with yoghurt milk and fresh bagels from across the street.

Dokonalé kuře ve slaném nálevu podle Hanky Michopulu. Jednoduchá, přímá extáze chuti! Perfect roast chicken marinated in brine. Simplicity and ecstasy of perfect taste.

Pomalu válené nudle se špenátem, geniálním sicilským olivovým olejem a extra starou kozou. Home-made pasta with fresh spinach, extraordinary Sicilean olive oil and extra mature goat.

Pomalá nedělní snídaně, netřeba cokoli dodávat. Slow Sunday breakfast. No need to say more.

Telecí tonnato neboli severoitalská specialita. Když jsem u řezníka narazila na krásné telecí, bylo jasno, co s ním. Telecí je plněné špenátem a zabalené do parmské šunky. Servírováno s přelivem z čerstvé majonézy, kaparů a tuňáka, se šťouchanými brambůrkami s hráškem. Veal tonnato. This North Italian speciality came to my table via my butcher who supplied me with a beautiful chunk of fresh veal. The meat (in itself a little bland) was filled with spinach, rolled in parma ham and served with strong, fresh mayonnaise with capers and tuna. As a side dish, I made some mashed potatoes with green peas.