October 14, 2009
Další událostí minulého víkendu byl sushi večírek. Klasický průběh, jen tentokrát v širším obsazení, a rozhodně zajímavá společenská událost. Místo slov stačí fotky.
Another culinary event of last weekend was the sushi party on Sunday. Classic sushi, just this time, more people. Deffinitely an interesting social event! Pictures suffice...
Another culinary event of last weekend was the sushi party on Sunday. Classic sushi, just this time, more people. Deffinitely an interesting social event! Pictures suffice...
Minulou sobotu mě potkala nečekaná kulinářská událost, totiž návštěva v degustační restauraci Chez Miro v Pardubicích. Luxusní výlet, mí nejmilejší 2 (3-1), dobrá káva a geniální čokoláda, ale nakonec hlavní, naprosto neuvěřitelný gurmánský zážitek. Chez Miro zaslouží spoustu bodů nejen za perfektní dobroty, tedy pětichodovou extázi doladěnou do posledních detailů (co třeba ručně stloukané máslo a chléb dovezený až z Francie?), ale hlavně za osobní, přívětivý a neformální přístup dvojice statečných, kteří tohle adrenalinové dobrodružství vedou. Co dodat? V divoké kačeně jsem našla šťastný brok a domů se vrátila o jeden silný zážitek bohatší. Díky!
Last Saturday had an unexpected culinary surprise in store for me - with my my beloved duo (minus one Bert), we set out to visit a great restaurant Chez Miro in Pardubice. The trip itself was much fun, train journey, great hot chocolate, walk through town and all, but the visit to the restaurant itself was heaven. Not only the place deserves hundred points for the perfect delicacies in five courses, fine-tuned to the last detail, but, most of all, it was exceptional thanks to the friendly, dedicated duo who run it and who are passionate about what they do. What else is there to say? I found a lucky grain of shot in my wild duck and returned home richer by one exceptional experience. Thank you!
Last Saturday had an unexpected culinary surprise in store for me - with my my beloved duo (minus one Bert), we set out to visit a great restaurant Chez Miro in Pardubice. The trip itself was much fun, train journey, great hot chocolate, walk through town and all, but the visit to the restaurant itself was heaven. Not only the place deserves hundred points for the perfect delicacies in five courses, fine-tuned to the last detail, but, most of all, it was exceptional thanks to the friendly, dedicated duo who run it and who are passionate about what they do. What else is there to say? I found a lucky grain of shot in my wild duck and returned home richer by one exceptional experience. Thank you!