Today, I'm adding links to some new galleries which pretty much sum up all the pleasant things I experienced this summer. Zuzka and Vítek's wedding took place over a weekend stuffed with all that's best in life: lazying about, food, drink, dance, chatting with friends, swimming in a quarry... Basically an essence of what one needs to survive the common work day. The next gallery is from a weekend in Rynartice, where the topic was pretty much the same. Apart from two leisurely walks, the weekend flew away with scrabble, home-made blueberry dumplings, grilled mushrooms, and the evening fog. At last, the black and white pictures hint at the realization that autumn seems to be coming. I am very much looking forward to it - soon, even the views over the landscape will feel new...
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srpnove vikendy |
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Rynartice |
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svatba Zu+Vitek |
A nakonec ještě letní thajská polévka s citrónovou trávou, zázvorem, curry pastou, žampiony, koriandrem, limetkou a dalšími dobrotami. Hotová je za chvilku a hned se na ní pozná, jestli nebyla šizená sušenými ingrediencemi. Když je totiž udělaná poctivě, tak poskytne strávníkovi přesně to, co se od dobrého letního jídla očekává - lehké osvěžení a zážitek pro všechny smysly.
And, finally, one summer thai soup with lemongrass, ginger, curry paste, mushrooms, coriander, lime, and other goodies. The soup doesn't take long to make and immediately, it tells you whether all the ingredients were fresh and plentiful as they ought to be. Once made properly, it gives you exactly what is expected from a good summer meal - refreshment and a blast for all your senses.