After I returned from Egypt, I longed to reproduce some of its staple cooking at home. The choice was made when I ran across a recipe for tabbouleh in my Good Housekeeping cookery book. Tabbouleh is a mixture of fresh parsley, tomatoes, cucumber and rough bulgur wheat, all finished with a generous bunch of fresh herbs. The first time around, I chose fresh dill, this time, it was replaced with mint. This salad makes a perfect light dinner - thanks to the bulgur wheat, it is sufficiently filling, and at the same time, you may enjoy the feeling that it's actually good for you. Besides, it looks very aesthetic, here served in a lovely wooden rice bowl from Japan (thanks, Linda!).

Tady je příklad toho, čím se dvě single kamarádky baví za dlouhých zimních večerů. Z Anglie jsem si posledně přivezla krásnou knížku s podrobnými návody na výrobu plyšových kamarádů ze starých ponožek a rukavic, a pár už jsme jich zrealizovaly. Celý proces je překvapivě jednoduchý, a když vatu kombinujeme s rýží, zvířátka příjemně padnou do ruky. Růžena na ně ale má zálusk a pejska už ode mě jedna slečna dokonce chtěla odkoupit! Neuvěřitelné...
Here is a sample of how two single friends spend some of their evenings. Last time in London, I bought a beautiful book showing how to make stuffed friends from derelict socks and mittens, and here are the three we've made already. The whole process is surprisingly simple, and when you combine the cotton stuffing with rice, you get a genuine beanie baby. For some reason, Růženka would like to kill all of them, and, to my great surprise, I even got an offer from one girl who wanted to buy the little stuffed dog from me! Unbelievable...